To whom it may concern.
Go to the airport

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You and Willy arrive at the airport. You start looking through the dumpsters. "Sometimes they have these great fucking bagels that are usually only a day old."  Suddenly a cart rushes by you and Willy that contains suitcases and bags that are headed for the next plane taking off. Another guy flags down the person driving. "What flight are these suitcases supposed to be on?" asks the man. "Flight 191 to Paris," the driver replies. "Oh, a couple of these bags are headed there too," says the man and piles them on.
"Willy, that is where my parents are headed to. They ditched me and left for Paris," you say.
"Well, then you should go and sneak on this plane.  But before you go take my gun, you might need it," Willy says.


You follow the driver. Your plan is to sneak in the luggage area while no one is looking. The driver stops at the plane. He starts walking away. You jump out and notice two guys talking and duck behind the cart. You could probably make it if you just run in, but you are getting scared. Should you go or not?


Stay by the plane


Go to Paris