To whom it may concern.
Choose Your Own Fucking Adventure!

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I remember as a little kid reading "Choose Your Own Adventure" books and loving the hell out of it. It's where at the end of a certain section in the book you'll have choices on what you want your character to do next. You would turn to the listed page and if you picked the wrong route your character would die! BRILLIANT! I remember trying to do one for a book report one year, but my teacher wouldn't let me.

So here's our first story it's called "Your Life Is Shit and Your Parents Hate You."

At the zoo

Your name is Jacob and you are 10, but if anyone asks you tell 'em you are 10 1/2. You are happy today because you are at the zoo. You love watching the Giraffes. Yay, what a fun time. But wait, where are your parents? You look out into the parking lot and see them speeding away. "Hey! Where are you going!" you yell, but they keep driving.

My name is Jacob

Before they left your daddy said "We are going to get something we left in the car, stay right here" and then he put something in your pocket. You check in your pocket to find a letter from your parents. It reads "We don't love you Jacob. You are taking up our free time and now that we are getting older we have hardly any left. We are taking a plane to Paris and hope to live there happily for the rest of our lives. Hey, no hard feelings, you'll be okay. Here's five bucks, go buy a hamburger." You take the five dollars and decide the best thing to do is head for the city. On your way out of the Zoo you see a fork in the path way. One sign says "Giraffes ->" the other sign says "Exit the zoo <-"


Go See the Giraffes


Head toward the city