To whom it may concern.
Tinky Winky

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I found this document while searching for my website. It's good for a laugh. Ha. I never did find my website.

To whom it may concern,
I am the webmaster of a Gay website and would like permission to use likeness of the Tinky Winky character. It will not be actual Images but drawing that resemble them. As I understand it Parodies are not held under the copyright law but I feel that it was the proper thing to do to ask your permission and will not use the parodies if that is what you wish. I understand that you never wanted TW to become a gay icon and will respect any choice you make. If you do not want him to look bad and you send me the images to use I will use those images as shown and add links to the Teletubbie website. Please let me know A.S.A.P. I will be opening the sight on the 15th of April.


"Hey,just because I have a purse doesn't mean I'm gay" - Tinky Winky

Click the pic to see the original document.